Friday, April 10, 2009

1982 Used John Deere Trailfire Track

Noble M12 Viper

New post, new car for you! I'm using the time given to me from vacation to complete projects and idearne new ... tonight I finished, and now I'm posting this beautiful and powerful sports car inglesedalle bills (I would say racing). I chose this car for the simple reason that reminds me of races long ago about "TIR" (which stands for Total Immersion Racing) where there was a beautiful and powerful Noble m12 racing ... No special tuning
this time, you can 'define auto stocks, except for the rims (which are the original Noble but I've slightly modified to let me more pleasure': P).
(After message lol) It also provided a nice Pj uu but this will depend on our Board of professional engineers involved in the image of the final product: P
Here's the short list of features and photos ..
Reflections on the body and glass-realistic-looking
Noble M12 Edited
-NOS bottle

Extra-Spoiler Carbon-glass headlights dark

expect many comments: P


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